About St Petersburg University
With a history dating back to 1724, the University is the oldest institution of higher education in Russia. Today, SPbU successfully combines tradition and innovation, being one of the leading international centres of education, science and culture.
It is ranked among the top 300 universities around the world and in second place in Eastern Europe and Central Asia according to the QS Rankings. The University is also ranked in second place in Russia in the QS Graduate Employability Ranking. It is the best in Russia for Employer-Student connections.
As a dynamic institution, it designs multidisciplinary academic programmes that combine fundamental theoretical problems with real-world, practical application.
In 2012, the univer-sity was included in the National Register of the Leading scientific organizations of Russia.
The discoveries and achievements of the University professors and graduates have shaped the history of both international and Russian science and technology. The University is proud to be home to 9 Nobel prize winners in Physiology, Medicine, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Literature as well as Fields Medal (Mathematics) and Shaw Prize winners. Moreover, two presidents of the Russian Federation and six government leaders graduated from the University.